Many Benefits of Energy Efficient Plumbing and Heating Systems

November 17, 2020

Energy-efficient plumbing and heating systems have soared in popularity because of their beneficial features. Having one is advantageous to both your wallet and the environment you live in. The average home uses more than 20% of its energy costs on plumbing and heating systems, so this is another reason why energy-efficient appliances are sought after by so many homeowners. Here are a few more benefits of going the energy-efficient route. Be a Part of the Betterment of the Earth Some issues related to the earth are controversial, but it is undeniable that we can do more

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5 Easy Tricks to Save Energy During Autumn

October 20, 2020

With fall arriving, the leaves are changing colors, grocery stores are stocking pumpkins en masse, and the brutally-hot weather is cooling down. With cold weather, however, comes higher heating costs. Check out these five tips for saving energy this fall. Investigate Potential Window Leaks Unfortunately, windows are prime suspects for air leaks. Checking for leaks is easier than you might believe. On a windy day, turn off your home’s combustible appliances, including furnaces. Next, light an incense stick or a candle. Slowly pass your incense or candle around edges of windows, doors, and other

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Does Indoor Air Quality Affect Immune Systems

September 20, 2020

If you’ve noticed more allergy or asthma symptoms or more germs going through your Reno, NV, home, you might be surprised to learn that indoor air quality could be a contributing factor to your symptoms. Most people spend at least 90% of their time indoors, and much of that time is at home. Read on to discover three ways poor indoor air quality affects your immune system. 1. T-regulatory Cell Repression Your immune system contains many types of cells. One is the T-regulatory cell. Its job is to halt autoimmune responses that cause allergies, asthma and

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Easy to Solve Water Pressure Problems

August 11, 2020

If you’re unable to wash dishes while someone is taking a shower, you have a water pressure problem. If you are watering your lawn, and you can’t run a bath at the same time, you have water pressure problems. There are some reasons for low water pressure that aren’t that difficult to fix. Here are some easy to solve water pressure issues you may encounter. Low Water Pressure at Just One Fixture You may be having a problem with just one faucet in your home. You should check to make sure the aerator isn’t clogged or

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Benefits of an Automated Thermostat

July 16, 2020

Buying a programmable or smart thermostat can be a great decision. By automating the cooling and heating of your home, both you and your home are benefiting. Here are the main benefits of how an automated thermostat can help you: Lower Energy Bills An automated thermostat can save you a significant amount of money on your monthly energy bills. You can program your thermostat so that your home isn’t heated or cooled as much when you’re away or asleep. Every degree of adjustment saves you about 2% on your energy bills. Reduce Wear and Tear on Your

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Why Are My Plumbing Pipes Making Noise?

June 16, 2020

If you hear a strange noise coming from your plumbing pipes, the type of sound they’re making can clue you in on what the problem is. There are five common sounds you may hear. These are the things your pipes are trying to tell you. 1. Humming A humming sound coming from your plumbing pipes means the water pressure is too high. High pressure makes your pipes vibrate, which results in a humming noise. While this sound can occur in any home, it can most often be heard in homes that rely on well water. 2. Whistling

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How Much Electricity Do Air Conditioners Use?

May 13, 2020

The HVAC system is often the single largest consumer of power in the house. Whether you are worried about your carbon footprint or simply your monthly power bill, it is helpful to know how much electricity your air conditioner is consuming. The Age of Your System Matters While it is difficult to face the potentially large cost of upgrading an AC system, the investment can often be worth it. There is no way around it: older air conditioners are a lot less efficient. If your home’s HVAC system is an older model, it is likely

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How to Open a Water Heater Pressure Relief Valve

April 17, 2020

Many homeowners keep their distance from their water heater. However, water heaters are not as complex as many believe, and they need to be observed and maintained on a regular basis. One important but easy-to-understand component of this essential appliance is the pressure relief valve. What Does the Pressure Relief Valve Do? The function of the pressure relief valve is to discharge excess pressure that builds up inside your water heater’s tank. Without this device, your water heater could explode under extreme pressure.

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Common Plumbing Issues People Try To Fix But Shouldn’t

March 11, 2020

It’s natural to want to save money when something breaks around the house. In this age of YouTube tutorial videos, there are many problems you can fix on your own. However, sometimes the do-it-yourself approach can end up costing you more in time, money, and frustration than it would have cost to pay a professional. Some repairs can even be dangerous. This is definitely true of plumbing problems. Take a look at these four common plumbing issues you shouldn’t try to fix on your own. 1. Waterline Damage

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